Friday, July 20, 2012

Paris Picnic

Two days here was quite awesome, though very crowded. This unfortunately prevented me from wanting to enter any buildings. We arrived in the late afternoon of Tuesday. We went to what we thought was our hotel... but we were wrong. The names were the same with the exception of a "le" before it. So we went on another walk and metro ride to find the hotel. My buddy's dad knows the owner so we're like "Neat, discount time". Imagine our shock when a HOTEL in PARIS was FREE. Incredible breakfast included.

Our first night was spent buying picnic foods to take to the park.. next to Eiffel Tower! So we watched the sun set, drank wine, ate fine foods and saw the tower light up all cool like.

The next day, we ate our fancy ass breakfast (hostel breakfasts are fancier than what I ever eat) and went to climb the tower. That was for sure something awesome! Thennnn just walked. Saw street dancers. Went to the notre dome. Went to a park near the tower to relax next a fountain. Decided to go on a bungee ride that spins and throws us around. Drank coffee at a cafe. Livin' the life!

The next day, we boarded the train for our next country...

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