Sunday, July 29, 2012


Me and my travel buddy parted ways to see our own friends in other countries for a few days. I made a big leap from the big city, to a small village in the mountains of Italy in a tiny town called Francocci. Such a huge and relaxing contrast to the city of crazy drivers and tourists. 

What I did for the most part was walk around the mountains with an old family friend I hadn;t seen in almost two years, went to a Schwimbad, visited a lot of churches (I am by no means religious, but I do like seeing the architecture, etc) and ate some gelato. To give you an idea of what sort of place this was, a rooster woke me up at 6AM. Just in time to catch my next train... which was late... and caused me to miss a connecting train. But I somehow found my way around the other 4 connecting trains to get to SALZBURG!

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