Friday, August 20, 2010

Mun Fest

There is not much to do at all for me here. My day usually consists of breakfast, an episode of Dexter (gotta re-watch them before the new season! OH HOW EXCITED! And I better find it streaming online...) a walk around the neighborhood, a book, sudoku, some internets... etc.

I went for a short run yesterday. It's hot as hell out here and there is no AC in the apartments. I also haven't ran for weeks, or months. I miss my bike like no other. I just needed some form of exercise since me and Kevin walked the world! Me and my aunt also went to check out the Moon Fest by a river called Mreznica. It was somewhat of an adventure to get there, but after what my life has been lately, it's hard to say it was a big adventure.

First of all, we had no idea where this place was so we asked, then followed people. It was in a location that reminded me of Wacken - instead of village, it was woods. We parked the car and to get to the festival, we walked a good 20-30 minutes through darkness to get there. I wish I could find the website for this place, but I cannot. Stuck around for three bands and they were kinda fun. I was in the way front taking some photos when this very lovely young man-photographer let e in the barrier area :)

Note to self- bands I saw: Mel Camino, NeZnam, corto

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